Over the course of my 10 year career working on internal company culture, events and programming, DEI has always played a crucial part in that work. From Viacom, Facebook, and Away my work has been instrumental in creating, implementing, and project managing Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s) and rolling out inclusive and diverse company-wide programming. Using data & creativity I can leverage your existing employee base to build out events, programs, and initiatives that are true to your company, tie into the business, and are a reflection of your values.
Some accomplishments:
Designed company-wide ERG strategy, mission statement and guiding principles for Away.
Grew ERG participation by 33% from June 2019-June 2020 for Away.
Served as a global pride lead for Pride @ Facebook.
Served on the Pride committee that was instrumental in rolling out “Coming Out” as a life event for the Facebook platform.
Served as a regional lead for Black @ Facebook.
Led the creation of Black Pride @ Facebook.
Planned countless heritage month events across all 3 companies.